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Spring Meeting

Location: Artspace (upstairs at Books & Company)

The Caledonia Ramblers' Spring Meeting will be held Friday April 20th at Artspace. This meeting is important for  members to attend as the club has updated its bylaws. Part of this meeting will be to review the bylaws, answer any questions and to hear comments. A vote will be held to accept the bylaws as presented.

Replacement of Bylaws

This process is very important for the future of your club. Please attend the meeting on April 20th and voice your opinions!

All Societies in BC must "transition" to the new BC Societies Act by November 28, 2018. Transition basically means that Societies must prepare their Constitution and Bylaws in an electronic format and file them online through the BC Societies Online webpage. There is no cost to transition, and Societies have the option of submitting their Bylaws as-is or making minor or major changes to them.

The Caledonia Ramblers has taken this opportunity to review and completely rewrite its Bylaws. A special committee of members was convened to draft a new set of Bylaws. Before the Ramblers can transition, the Bylaws changes must be approved by the membership at a general meeting.

Attached, you will find the special resolution and a copy of the amended Bylaws, which we hope to approve at the Spring meeting on April 20. Also attached, for your interest, you will find a copy of the Society's Constitution.

Special Resolutions

RESOLVED as a special resolution that the current Bylaws of the Caledonia Hiking Club Society (the Society) be deleted in their entirety and that the form of Bylaws attached hereto be adopted as the Bylaws of the Society in substitution for, and to the exclusion of, the existing Bylaws of the Society.

RESOLVED FURTHER that the above special resolution, and the replacement Bylaws, will take effect on the Society filing an application to transition to the new Societies Act, to occur as soon as practicable.

RESOLVED FURTHER that each person who is a Director on the date these Bylaws become effective will continue as a Director for the term to which he or she was most recently elected.

Please see attached the proposed replacement bylaws:

CRHCS Constitution

CRHCS Resolution and Bylaws