The Ramblers have some very active and dedicated members who work tirelessly on trail and cabin development and maintenance. In fact, the Ramblers were, and continue to be, a driving force behind the development and enhancement of the increasingly popular Ancient Forest Trail.
The Ramblers have published the Central Interior Trail Guide annually since the Club started. This is a must-have reference for anyone interested in hiking in the Prince George area.
Club members also participate in various forest, park and city land use planning initiatives such as the PG Sustainable Forest Management Plan advisory group, the Kakwa and Sugarbowl-Grizzly Provincial Park master plans and PG City Trails Task Force. As well, through the Prince George Backcountry Recreation Society (PGBRS) and the Federation of Mountain Clubs of British Columbia (FMCBC) the Club serves as a voice for non-motorized users of the backcountry.