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Caledonia Ramblers’ AGM and Election

Picture of theatre seats

Date: November 7, 2024 at 6:30 pm

Location: Q3 Creative Business Hub, 1299 Third Avenue, downtown PG (doors open at 6 pm)

The nomination period for the upcoming election for Caledonia Ramblers’ Board of Directors is now open. The 7 positions open for nomination are:


Oversees all club operations, including the supervision of other directors in the execution of their duties.


Assists the president and can perform other club functions as needed.


Maintains club financial records, prepares financial statements, and receives financial resources collected from members and other sources.


Records minutes of executive meetings and Annual General Meeting.


Maintains the club membership and waiver list.

Member-at-large (Past President - if applicable)

As per Member-at-large description below.


Provides general input at board meetings and may perform or assist with additional duties and activities as needed.

The President, Vice-President, and members-at-large will also be responsible for the following duties, including, but not limited to:

  • Trail maintenance;
  • Trip coordination (summer and winter trip scheduling, leader liaison, reconnaissance hikes, etc.);
  • Selling trail guides;
  • Social events coordination;
  • Social media maintenance; and
  • Outdoor safety and education.

For more detailed information about these positions and board responsibilities, please view the Club’s bylaws.


The Caledonia Ramblers are also looking for volunteers to assist with some of the above activities undertaken by the Board throughout the year.


We encourage anyone interested in continuing to make the Caledonia Ramblers the exceptional club that it is, to either nominate themselves or someone who you would think would do a good job.

This year, the Board has chosen club member, Mark Neilsen, to chair this year’s Board election. Please forward any nominations or questions to Mark by e-mail. Nominations for all positions will also be accepted from the floor on the night of the election, Nov. 7th.