The winning photos will be used to create a Caledonia Ramblers Calendar, which will be available for sale at the Christmas Party ($15.00 each -cash only). One copy will be given away as a door prize to one of the general audience in attendance. Contact Judy Lett to order your Calendar before December 6th.
The Selection Process
The identity of the photographers was removed from each photo submitted and replaced with an entry number. The judges received the photo entries in an on-line folder that contained each photo, entry number, hike name & month. Judges each created a short list, then met to compare, debate and finalize the selections. The following criteria were used to select the winning photos for each month, and for the Calendar cover page.
Judging Criteria:
- Overall artistic impression
- Colour, clarity, composition
- Fits theme – club trip
- Hiking
- Snowshoeing
Exclusion Criteria:
- Resolution inadequate to permit enlargement – blurred portions
- Flora or Fauna – not on theme
- Portraits – too closeup
The Winning photos & photographers
Calendar Cover – Tweedsmuir – Weeklong - Jane Ritchey
January – Erratic Ridge - Mark Nielsen
February – Hubble Homestead - Angelo Arboleda
March – Pilot Mountain - Angelo Arboleda
April – Sugar Bowl - Brendan Murphy
May – Pope Mountain - Brendan Murphy
June – Lake Louise - Carolyn Ibis
July – Boulder Mountain - Mike Nash
August – Tweedsmuir – Weeklong - Janie Laundry
September – Raven Lake - Janie Laundry
October – Oazlenka - Mark Nielsen
November – Viking Ridge - Janie Laundry
December – Yellowhawk Trail – Wells - Janie Laundry
Photo Contest Committee Members
Laura Ryser Murphy – Entry identity manager
Maureen Beier - Judge
Tim Gardner - Judge
Judy Lett - Judge