The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations is urging everyone to avoid the Forest Service Roads in the Omineca Region for the time being. Due to heavy rainfall and frost-related damage, all of them have been closed to most heavy industrial vehicles while two roads - Chief 200 FSR (formerly known as the Teardrop-Chief FSR) and the Moldowan FSR - have been closed completely.
While the others remain open to vehicles weighing less than 3,500 kilograms, the MFLRNO has warned that their conditions could create problems and have noted that the 2000 Road which accesses the Chuckinka site is in very poor condition. As such, the MFLRNO is asking everyone to stay off them until conditions improve, "including over the Victoria Day long weekend."
Keep up to date with latest forest road closures at the Prince George Natural Resource District Road Safety Page.