BC Parks will begin demolition of the current Raven Lake cabin in Sugarbowl - Grizzly Den Provincial Park & Protected Area early this spring and plans to begin construction of a new cabin later this year (although no exact dates have yet been set). As a result, BC Parks would like to inform hikers that for much of the 2019 hiking season, the Raven Lake cabin will not be available to hikers and no access will be allowed around the construction site. Hikers and park visitors may be able to gain updates on the Raven Lake cabin situation during the year by visiting BC Parks’ Sugarbowl - Grizzly Den Provincial Park & Protected Area web page on BC Parks’ website.
Update 2
BC Parks says construction of a new Raven Lake cabin in Sugarbowl/Grizzly Den Provincial Park is tentatively set to begin on July 11th. Access to the cabin and lake area along the Raven Lake trail will be closed from July 11th until the end of the month due to safety reasons as construction is going to start immediately. The staging area for building materials to be flown into the cabin site on July 11th will be near Hwy. 16 East, so there will be no interruption of traffic along the Hungary Creek Forest Service Road and at the Raven Lake trailhead parking lot.
BC Parks is reporting that the tentative dates for the demolition of Raven Lake cabin in Sugarbowl/Grizzly Den Provincial Park are from May 27th to May 31st. BC Parks ensures it will post appropriate messaging regarding the demolition on its website before the demolition begins and that it will place signs notifying hikers and snowshoers about the demolition at both the Hwy. 16 East/Hungary Creek Road junction and at the Raven Lake trailhead. BC Parks will be building a new Raven Lake cabin later this year, although no exact dates have been set. As a result, BC Parks would like to inform hikers that for much of the 2019 hiking season, the Raven Lake cabin will not be available to hikers and no access will be allowed around the construction site.