Each trip has an overall descriptive rating (Easy, Easy/Moderate, Moderate, Moderate/Strenuous, Strenuous, and Very Strenuous) and a specific rating for duration (# of hours), elevation gain, and round-trip distance. Some trips have additional indicators of special trail conditions.
Duration | Level of Difficulty and Elevation Gain | Round-trip Distance | Special Trail Conditions |
A = Less than 3 hours | 1 = Easy: fairly easy terrain, gentle slopes | a = 5 km | r = route/some or no trail |
B = 3 to 4 hours | 2 = Easy/Mod: gentle slopes up to 300m (1,000 ft) | b = 5 - 7 km | s = snowshoe trip |
C = 4 to 6 hours | 3 = Mod: 300m - 600m (1,000 - 2,000 ft) | c = 7 - 10 km | w = major water crossing |
D = 6 to 8 hours | 4 = Mod/Stren: 600m - 900m (2,000 - 3,000 ft) | d = 10 - 15 km | x = brushy trail |
E = 8 to 12 hours | 5 = Stren: 900m - 1,500m (3,000 - 4,500 ft) | e = 15 - 20 km | y = bushwack |
F = 12 hours or more | 6 = Very Stren: 1,500m - 2,200m (4,500 - 6,500 ft) | f = 20 km plus | z = rocky/rough in places |