Bob Nelson has been a member of the Caledonia Ramblers since 1974 and to say that he has contributed to the significantly would be an understatement. His list of accomplishments and contributions include:
- Bob was one of the Founding Club Members in 1974
- Served as Club President from 1975-1979
- Involved in a wide variety of trail clearing & maintenance efforts, most notably leading the trail clearing trip to Ptarmigan Creek in 1977; and helping to clear the trail to Erg Mountain.
- Led many hiking trips over the years, until a few years ago; continues to participate in club hikes when available & able
- Initiated the Prince George & District Trail Guide in 1975, joined soon after by Dave King, with printing & marketing managed by Judith Robertson.
- Published in 2007, with Dave King, an expansion of the Trail Guide into two volumes: Vol. 1. Prince George & Region, and Vol 2. Robson Valley. Dave King provided the expert revisions of the PG Trail descriptions, along with additional text input from Art Stanley (McBride) and Art Carson (Valemount). In a process that took several hundred hours, Bob drew 62 new maps, from the old maps, trail sketches of the new Robson Valley trails, a few GPS tracks and the contours from the digital Atlas of Canada.
- Bob & Dave King continue to update the guides as necessary, with Judith continuing to manage the process of printing & marketing.
- The Trail Guides have been a invaluable trip planning resource not only to the Ramblers trip leaders and members, but also to other local & visiting hikers.
- The Trail Guides are sold at a variety of outlets in Prince George and other communities. Revenue from sales has been donated to the club, and since they have consistently done well, they have become a significant source of funds for the club.
The Lifetime Membership Award is given to individuals who have been a Club member for a minimum of 25 years, is at least 75 years old and has contributed significantly to the club. We thank-you Bob for all that you have done for the Club.