Minimizing Risk of Infection & Spread Within our Community
Outdoor activities, like hiking and snowshoeing remain some of the safest recreation options available to people in our community. Although the risk of infection in Prince George is currently low, this could change at anytime. Therefore, it is critical that we recognize the risks of infection, respect recommendations to prevent spread and adjust our practices to protect ourselves and vulnerable others within our community.
The most effective means of risk reduction at present include basic hygiene measures and social distancing.
- Avoid handshakes and close personal contact. Greet with elbow bump, hand wave, or just a
- friendly smile.
- Wash hands frequently with soap & warm water x 20 seconds (yes…count!)
- Avoid touching your face: eyes, nose or mouth.
- Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer (if possible) after contact with common public surfaces, and no access to water. Wash hands as soon as possible.
- Avoid large crowds. Maintain 2 metre distance from other people.
- Do not share food from common containers or use shared serving utensils. (eg. Pot-Luck)
- Cough or sneeze into a Kleenex or the crook of your arm.
Stay home if you have:
- a cough, fever or other symptoms of illness, or
- just returned (within 14 days) from travel outside of Canada, or from an area of known disease outbreak
Our club trips will continue to be offered, as long as risk is low in our community.
“Flattening the Curve”- Health Protection Practices for hikes, snowshoe trips & public events
- Car-pooling is cancelled until further notice.
- Scheduled Trips will continue to be offered, at the discretion of the trip leader.
- Maintain 2 ski-pole length distance between individuals while hiking or snowshoeing.
- Avoid sharing any unpackaged food.
- For trips, bring your own supply of hand sanitizer, wipes or tissues & a zip-lock plastic bag to contain and carry out waste for safe disposal.
- Club slide shows, social events and meetings may be rescheduled or cancelled depending on presenter preference, location availability and local situation.
- Food and beverages will not be provided at slide shows or club meetings, when they do occur.
Download a copy of this document to keep on hand.