In response to the BC's Provincial Health Officers order banning all social gatherings of any size, the Caledonia Ramblers hikes and snowshoes have been put on hold.
The board passed the following motion following the announcement:
- The Provincial Health Officer has banned the convening of social gatherings of of any size with anyone other than your household or core bubble;
- That the ban applies to outdoor social gatherings as well as indoor gatherings;
- That a core bubble is defined as members of a person’s immediate household although it may may contain a partner, relative, friend or co-parent who lives in a different household;
- That should be a maximum of two people outside of those living in a person’s immediate household;
- That while allowed activities include going for a walk, it should not turn into a group of people meeting outside.
Therefore be it resolved:
That the Caledonia Ramblers Hiking Club refrain from hosting any hikes or snowshoes until such time that the Provincial Health Officer has either lifted the ban on social gatherings or has increased the number allowed at a social gathering to at least 12 people.
For more information on the orders issued Thursday, please read this announcement.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email the Club President.